We have provided access to many resources you will need to fulfil your obligations as a team official below:
Pre-trial meeting checklist - convenor (docx, 24kb)
Regional trial convenor checklist (docx, 34kb)
Regional team assistant coach, coach, trainer checklist (docx, 32kb)
Regional team manager checklist (docx, 34kb)
QRSS concussion training video (MP4, 147mb)
QRSS concussion management guideline (PDF, 4.86mb)
QRSS concussion management guideline - appendix 3 - concussion referral & return form (PDF, 729kb)
QRSS concussion management guideline - appendix 5 - concussion register (xlsx, 22kb)
QRSS consent form - staff and volunteers (PDF, 816kb)
QRSS transfer of duties form (PDF, 1.9mb)
Codes of conduct (PDF, 115kb)
Exemption application process - district teams (PDF, 250kb)
Exemption application process - direct to region (PDF, 441kb)
Exemption process - state championships (PDF, 75kb)
Regional team selection policy (docx, 202kb)
QRSS risk assessment procedure (ppsx, 9.3mb)
QRSS risk assessment handbook (PDF, 875kb)
QRSS risk assessment form (PDF, 1.4mb)
What records do I need to keep (PDF, 145kb)
Records archiving checklist (docx, 30kb)
Referee/umpire payment request (PDF, 358kb)
Playing time register (PDF, 241kb)
Regional trial convenor report (PDF, 656kb)
Regional team manager state championship report (docx, 902kb)
Playing time register - manual form (docx, 241kb)
Team manager state championship report - manual form (docx, 902kb)
ExpensemMe Pro claim guide (PDF, 7.9mb)
Professional development procedure and claim guide (docx, 2.1mb)
Student protection guidelines flowchart (PDF, 155kb)
EMT - for Mac and Windows (xlsm, 246kb)
EMT user guide (PDF, 1.2mb)
Manual team contact proforma (xlsx, 16kb)
Manual form - Baseball playing shirt orders (xlsx, 12kb)
Manual form - Cricket playing shirt orders (xlsx, 12kb)
Manual form - Team playing strip orders (xlsx, 12kb)
Manual form - Team list and consent summary (xlsx, 129kb)
Principal approval request example (RTF, 32.6kb)
Principal approval request template (xlsx, 84kb)
Team training letter template (docx, 162kb)
WHS - Accidents and Incidents
Critical incident guidelines flowchart (PDF, 857kb)
Incident report form (doc, 64kb)
MyHR - WHS incident data collection form (docx, 393kb)