
Coastal district 13–19 years


​​​​Welcome to our internet hub.

This is your go-to source for information you may need to know about our district, its processes and our events that will be taking place this year.

Don't miss out on the fun and stay in the loop by visiting this web page regularly!

Sport trials - what you need to do

If you are interested in taking part in a Coastal District sport trial:


  • Go and see your school sport coordinator straight away.

  • Your school will let you know if they choose you to represent them at our district sport trial 

  • They will give you a district trial information pack.


  • Read through the district trial information pack carefully. 

  • If there is anything you do not understand, please talk to your school sport coordinator as soon as you can.


Register online to take part in our district sport trial.

  • Use the QR-CODE or web link included in our district trial information pack.

  • Make sure that you register before we close the online registration portal.

  • If you do not register in time, you will not be able to take part in our sport trial.


Fill out our ‘District trial consent booklet’ and make sure it is signed.


If you​ have to pay a fee to attend a district sport trial, make sure you pay it on time through our online shop portal.


Take part in our trial:

  • Bring your filled out and signed ‘District trial consent booklet’ with you to our district sport trial and hand it over to our event officials.

  • Bring a copy of your payment receipt (if you had to pay a fee to attend our sport trial).

  • Make sure that you are wearing the proper clothing and shoes.

  • Make sure you have your water bottle with you and that it is full of water.

  • IMPORTANT! If you do not have your ‘District trial consent booklet’ with you, then you will not be allowed to take part in our sport trial.


There are no announcements at this time.

Events calendar and information

We have limits on the number of students who can take part in most of our sport trial events.

  • In some cases, your school may hold a school trial sport event to choose who can represent them at our district trial sport trial.

  • Make sure you complete our online registration by our closing date.  Your school will not register you.  Your family must do this task for you.

  • Make sure that you read our trial information pack carefully. If you or your family do not understand anything, then please talk to your school sport coordinator straight away.​

Trial dateTrial venue
Australian football 13–15 boysWednesday, 12 February 2025Maroochydore SHS oval
Australian football 13–15 girlsThursday, 13 February 2025Mt Creek SHS AFL oval
Australian football 16-18 boysWednesday, 19 March 2025Maroochydore SHS oval
Australian football 16-18 girlsThursday, 20 March 2025Mt Creek SHS AFL oval
Baseball 12–14See regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Baseball 13-19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Baseball 15–19See regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Basketball 13–16 boysTuesday, 11 February 2025Unity College Stadium
Basketball 13–16 girlsMonday, 17 February 2025Mt Creek SHS - Student Centre
Basketball 17–19 boysThursday, 20 February 2025Mt Creek SHS - Student Centre
Basketball 17–19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Cricket 13–14 boysSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Cricket 13–14 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Cricket 15–19 boysSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Cricket 15-19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Cross country 12–19 yearsWednesday, 14 February 2025Maroochydore Multi-sports Complex
Football 13–15 boysTuesday, 11 February 2025Chancellor State College (secondary university oval)
Football 13–15 girlsTuesday, 11 February 2025To be confirmed
Football 16–19 boys
See regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Football 16–19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Futsal 13–14 boysWednesday, 11 June 2025Chancellor State College Stadium
Futsal 13–14 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Futsal 15–16 boysWednesday, 11 June 2025Chancellor State College Stadium
Futsal 15–16 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Golf 10–19 yearsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Hockey 13–19 boysSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Hockey 13–19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Netball 13–15 yearsWednesday, 12 February, 2025Chancellor State College Stadium
Netball 16–19 yearsWednesday, 12 February, 2025Chancellor State College Stadium
Rugby league 14–15 boys

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

from 1.00pm                     

Trial commences at 1.30pm

Mt Creek SHS – RL Oval
Rugby league 14–15 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Rugby league 16–18 boys

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

from 1.00pm                    

Trial commences at 1.30pm

Mt Creek SHS – RL Oval
Rugby league 16–18 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Rugby union 14–15 boysWednesday, 26 March 2024Mt Creek SHS – RL Oval
Rugby union 17–18 boysSee regional trial notice
Please visit the regional sport web page for more information
Rugby union 7s 15–16 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Softball 13–19 boysSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Softball 13–19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Surfing 13–18 years

Tuesday, 6 May and 

Wednesday 7 May

To be confirmed
Swimming 12–19 yearsN/ANominate via regional online nomination process.
Tennis 13–19See regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Touch 13–15 boysWednesday, 19 February 2025Chancellor State College (secondary university oval)
Touch 13–15 girlsWednesday, 19 February 2025Chancellor State College (secondary university oval)
Touch 16–18 boysWednesday, 19 February 2025Chancellor State College (secondary university oval)
Touch 16–18 girlsWednesday, 19 February 2025Chancellor State College (secondary university oval)
Track and field 12–19 years

Monday, 21 July and

Monday, 28 July 2025

University of the Sunshine Coast Athletics Track
Triathlon/AquathlonSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information
Volleyball 12-15 boysThursday, 13 February 2025Caloundra State High School Stadium
Volleyball 12-15 girlsTuesday, 18 February 2025Baringa State Secondary College Stadium
Volleyball 16-19 boysThursday, 13 February 2025Caloundra State High School Stadium
Volleyball 16-19 girlsTuesday, 18 February 2025Baringa State Secondary College Stadium
Water Polo 13-19 boysSee regional trial notice Please visit the regional sport web page for more information
Water Polo 13-19 girlsSee regional trial noticePlease visit the regional sport web page for more information.

District trial exemption applications

We realise there are occasions when you can't make it to a district trial event. Fortunately, we have a policy that allows eligible students to be considered for our sports team without needing to try out at the event.

What you need to do if you want to apply for a district trial exemption:

  • Talk to your school sport coordinator straight away

  • Download our Exemption form for team sports (PDF, 436kb) or our Exemption form for swimming, cross country or track and field (PDF, 436kb)

  • Fill out the form have make sure that it is signed.

  • Gather all the necessary supporting documents together. Remember to include a resumé detailing your sporting performances and playing history.

  • Make sure that our district committee receives your application at least 2 days before our sport trial is supposed to start.

  • We will review your exemption application, make a decision, and let you know what our decision is.

  • Remember that if we accept your exemption application, it does not mean that you will automatically be picked in our district sport team that will go and compete at the regional sport trial.

Interschool sport zones


· Brightwater State School

· Buddina State School

· Chancellor State College

· Kawana Waters State College

· Mountain Creek State School


· Buderim Mountain State School

· Kuluin State School

· Mooloolaba State School

· Palmview State Primary College

· Siena Catholic Primary School

· Stella Maris Catholic School 


· Baringa State School

· Caloundra State School

· Currimundi State School

· Golden Beach State School

· Meridan State College

· Talara Primary College

· Unity College​

Last reviewed 05 February 2025
Last updated 05 February 2025